19 November, 2007


Last Thanksgiving, I ate take-out in my house for dinner. But this year, I had three - count 'em, three - invitations.

First, I was invited to the home of a couple on my team.
Them: "If you're not doing anything for Thanksgiving, you're welcome to join us. If something better comes along though, you can do that, if you want."
Nice, ok. Comes with an 'out'.

Second, a girl from my church invited a group of us to her house for Thanksgiving.
Her: "I'll definitely have a turkey and mashed potatoes... if you have to have another staple item you'll have to contribute that yourself."
Not bad, I guess. I don't have to have anything else. Also I don't mind contributing.

Third, my friend Karin invited me to her parents house.
Her: "My parents want me to grow, so they're making me cook all the sides for Thanksgiving dinner. Wait! What are you doing? Do want to help me cook the sides and then come over for dinner?? You definitely might be able to eat. There will be a boat though and you can definitely go on that."
(the details are fuzzy, but it happened exactly as I've described here.)

Then today, the Monday before Thanksgiving, two things happened. First, the couple from work canceled. Second, the girl from church canceled!

Hey, I wanted to go to Karin's anyway. Turns out there was no cooking requirement, I can eat, and there's a boat involved. Should be fun!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


Blogger Unknown said...

For all you readers out there, "posting a new blog" to John actually means editing two words.

I'm glad you came, John! I hope the food wasn't too southern for you. And if there's one thing you learned--if you ever need anything painted, I'm your girl.

Blogger - john said...

The food was great. And yellow. Yellow and great. And, we all had our own glass acorns with our own quarter stick butter. Thus adding to the yellow theme. Thanks for inviting me.

Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, yes. I learned a valuable lesson. Green foods thrown into a casserole become yellow. The meal was a full array of colors when I planned it out and I have the MS Word documents to prove it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year you had TAKE OUT?!? Um, actually, dude, you went to the Wunder's house, we had a nice meal, then some of us went to the movies and you and I saw Deja Vu. And I thought what we had was special!!!

Blogger Unknown said...

ooohhhhh, Johnny got told!

Blogger - john said...

Shut it! :)
So I got my year's mixed up. Big Deal!


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