An Age Old Question...
...that has been debated by geniuses; covered as story lines in feature films; Countless books have been written about this question....More puzzling that the meaning of life....
Can men and women be friends? And remain friends?
I don´t think it´s possible.
Can men and women be friends? And remain friends?
I don´t think it´s possible.
I do.
Well, I hope. I mean, if my best friend is moving to Uganda, I sure hope I can still have guy friends.
Now you have me second guessing (again). Does this mean you have another back story?! John, john, john. The numbers keep going up.....
Yah, its a tough one.
I guess it depends how you define 'friendship'.
It's possible. They both must be totally unattracted to each other--for some reason or another...either she's got a man, or he's got a woman already, or they know that it'll never work out. Those are my thoughts.
The real question is, can they ever really trust that the other person isn't attracted to them?
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