Things I Like
climbing, sailing, World Cuisine - esp. Turkish, Thai, Veitnamese, & Argentine, The Food Network, reading these magazines: Outside and National Geographic's Traveler, Latin Culture and Food, learning Salsa and Spanish, natural peanut butter on celery, Whole Foods Market, witty humor, being call 'Uncle Johnny', my Bible with a venti iced soy latte, my white Ford Ranger, people who smile a lot, physical challenges, competition, winning, Macs, Surfer Shop sunglasses, American Eagle, flounder fishing on a pontoon boat, East Coat Blue Crabs I caught and picked, photography, my niece and nephew, Blackberrys, laughter, vulnerability, homemade videos, Big Band Music, the beach at dusk, the feeling once you've reached a peak, wine country - Cape Town & Sonoma Valley, Turkish tea, a plump Georgia peach, blueberries, trust, character education, cooking meals for friends, going home (DE), making something with my hands and giving it away.
FYI: I was with Karin when she read this blog post. Her initial response, "This one is boring. I thought it would be about me." When she finally decided to continue reading, she got to "witty humor" and said "That's me!"
Just thought you should know a little more about your "friend." By the way, she perked up on the "cooking meals for friends." Don't be fooled if she invites you over.
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thanks andrea. Ever since you moved out, it's been just me, me, me with Miss Tome.
Someone should organize a dinner for all of us so we can talk about it.
Ahem. I am reading this, you know....
Well Uncle Johnny, my outfit was entirely from American Eagle today. I don't know that we can have a dinner. Your food tastes are far too healthy.
too healthy?? Proof that you need me!
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