27 April, 2006

Estate Sales and Bonding

One of the ways I bond with my dad is by going together to a certain estate sale place in Wilmington (see previous blog post) and/or discussing strategies for casing certain estate sale place. Usually this also involves the subject of cooking.

Dad: When you get there, go straight to the cookbook section and look for books from Jacques Pepin (and some other French chef I don't remember).

Dad (in knives section): This is the greatest knife you'll ever want.
Me: It says it's "The Wonder Knife".
Dad: Yeah, I buy these up everytime i see them. I have one in the truck in case i see a dead animal on the road. When I do, I'll cut off it's tail and hang it the truck.
Me: hmph. (looking around to see who is listening to us)
Dad: If you don't buy it I will. Oh look, there's two here.
Me: I'll buy one.


Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome home! Now.......BLOG!


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